
Evil forces must not be spared

Published : 25 Jun 2024 09:23 PM

The government will have to keep a constant vigil to thwart any internal and external threats for safeguarding the country’s constitution and sovereignty. Apart from the government, we the people of the country, imbued with the spirit of Liberation War, should always stay alert to any conspiracy for protecting the constitution and sovereignty of our motherland.

Vested quarters are still hatching conspiracy to destabilise the country. The government keeps close eye on the situation arisen from Russia-Ukraine and Palestine-Israel wars and Iran-Israel unrest prevailing in the Middle East. The government is also taking preparation for softening the possible impacts on us in this regard.

But the ‘politics of conspiracy’ is still going on in the country as the anti-liberation forces and killers of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman are out to obstruct the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina-led government’s contributions towards peace, democracy and development. The pro-liberation forces must devote themselves for the betterment of the country and foil anti-state conspiracies unitedly. The ruling Awami League wants to maintain good relations with different political parties in the greater interest of democracy and good governance. 

Vested quarters are still

 hatching conspiracy 

to destabilise the country

After a long struggle, the rule of law has been established in the country under the bold leadership of Bangabandhu’s daughter Sheikh Hasina. We believe there would be no compromise with the anti- liberation forces as they are out to hatch conspiracy to grab state power through clandestine alleyways instead of standing beside the people during this tough time. 

Some identified influential persons allegedly are now very active in plotting against the country and the government as well. Like in the past, they have already stepped up their ill-efforts after the January 7 general election in order to overthrow the government of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and install a dictator being imbued with the anti-liberation thought. Vested elements destroyed the rule of law and democracy through assassinations and conspiracies, trampled on all the achievements of the liberation war and tried to turn this country into a den of corrupt and looters in the past. The government must bring them to justice who are engaged in such plots against the country and the government staying at home and abroad. The evil forces should not be spared at all, even though they are getting mercy now.