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DU CSE dept, BJIT organises ‘Code Samurai 2019’ contest

Published : 01 Nov 2019 06:43 PM | Updated : 07 Sep 2020 12:59 PM

Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) of Dhaka University (DU) and Bangladesh-Japan Venture Company (BJIT) organises a two-day long programming competition ‘Code Samurai 2019’ from Friday at the department room. Students from different universities participated in this competition.

The organisers came up with the information at a press conference held at the office room of DU Journalists’ Association on Wednesday.

DU CSE department Chairperson Dr Md Mustafizur Rahman, Professor Dr Upama Kabir, Professor Dr Md Mamun-Or-Rashid, Assistant Professor Hasnain Heickal, COO of BIJIT Limited Mehedi Masud and Programme Administrator of BJIT Academy Hirokazu Takenobu were present at the press meet.

A total of 187 teams from around 58 public and private universities of Bangladesh registered to participate in the event. Among the teams, the judges selected 34 teams primarily to be the final participants of Code Samurai 2019, said Professor Dr Md Mamun-Or-Rashid while reading out a written statement.

The prize will be distributed among the winners at the closing ceremony of the Nawab Nawab Ali Chowdhury Senate building today at 2pm. Postal and Telecommunications Minister Mostafa Jabbar will be the chief guest at the closing ceremony.

Japan's Ambassador to Dhaka Naoki Ito; Chairman of the Bangladesh University Grants Commission Professor Kazi Shahidullah; Country Representative of Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) Yuji Ando and Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, Bangladesh Engineering University M Kayakabad will be the special guests at the event.

Students of winning teams of Code Samurai 2019 will get attractive awards. The first winning team will get Taka 1,50,000, second team Taka 90,000, and the third Taka 30,000.