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DU becomes champion in Code Samurai contest

Published : 04 Nov 2019 05:39 PM | Updated : 29 Aug 2020 03:41 PM

The closing ceremony of the two-day hackathon competition titled "Code Samurai 2019", jointly organised by Dhaka University (DU) Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) Department and Bangladesh-Japan Venture Company (BJIT), was held at Nabab Nawab Ali Chowdhury Senate Bhaban of the university on Saturday. Post and Telecommunications Minister Mostafa Jabbar attended the function as the chief guest and distributed prizes among the winners.

Pro-Vice Chancellor (VC) (administration) of DU Professor Muhammad Samad chaired the ceremony, while Chairman of the Bangladesh University Grants Commission Dr Kazi Shahidullah, Japan's Ambassador to Dhaka Naoki Ito, Chairman of JICA Hiroshi Hirata, Country Representative of Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) Yuji Ando, Managing Director of Forval Corporation Koji Terada, Samurai IT Principal Hiroshi Hori, Professor of Computer Science and Engineering of Bangladesh Engineering University Dr M Kayakabad and DU CSE Department Professor Dr Md Mostafizur Rahman were present as special guests.

Postal and Telecommunications Minister Mostafa Jabbar thanked the organizers saying that such event plays a vital role in the advancement of the global digital Bangladesh and encourages the youths to showcase their talents.

Two teams of Dhaka University, DU_XUPRI and DU_SPRINGBOKS stood first and second respectively. The Khulna University of Engineering and Technology team occupied third place. The champion team received Tk 1,50,000, second team Tk 90,000 and third team won Tk 30,000.

The competitors tried to find a viable information on technology-based solution in terms of automatic control of the traffic management in Bangladesh. Under the leadership of Professor of CSE department, DU, Mosaddek Hossain Kamal, university teachers, software and IT specialists from Japan were present as judges. Professor of Computer Science and Engineering Dr Upama Kabir and Professor Dr Md Mamunur Rashid were the overall supervisors of the hackathon.