
Downpour cripples life in Rajshahi city

Published : 05 Oct 2023 08:51 PM | Updated : 05 Oct 2023 08:51 PM

Heavy rains have washed over low-lying areas in Rajshahi City, with many residents suffering with flood water streaming into their homes.

Additionally, the prolonged rainfall has caused many streets to become submerged in knee-deep water, with people resorting to small boats in order to cross roads.

In some areas, residents were seen throwing nets and cat

ching fish.

Most of the city ponds, water bodies and drains have been overflooded due to the rain and people's sufferings knew no bounds to reach their destinations by braving the flood waters. 

Rain water has also entered many houses of the city and crops and vegetables in the city's surrounding areas have been inundated by the accumulation of water caused by the heavy rainfall.   

The city recorded 244 mm of rainfall from 5pm on Wednesday to 5pm on Thursday, the highest recorded rainfall in Rajshahi over the last century, according to the Bangladesh Meteorological Department.

Abdus Salam, Observer of Rajshahi Meteorological Observa­tion office informed, there has been moderate to light rainfall for several days of this month (Oct). But, the 161 mm of rainfall during the last 24-hour is a record during this season. 

He further informed, before 10 p.m. Wednesday, there was 5 mm of rainfall, the same night from 10 pm to 6-00 am next morning there was 161 mm of rainfall and the rain is continuing still.    

Chief Engineer Noor Islam of Rajshahi City said apart from two areas in the city, most of the water drained away. However, the heavy rainfall has caused waterlogging to occur in some areas.

"Construction supplies left on footpaths have exacerbated the issue, with the rain bringing these materials away and causing many drains to clog. 

This in addition to the low-lying nature of the city has prevented the natural flow of water into the Padma river," he added.