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Digital population census starts today

Published : 14 Jun 2022 09:52 PM | Updated : 15 Jun 2022 04:22 PM

The sixth population and housing census 2022 will begin from today which will continue till June 21 across the country.

The census, using digital technology for more accuracy and reliability, will collect complete data on the overall population, its composition, workforce, density, housing, demarcation and other socio-economic indicators vital for formulating proper economic and other policies.

Director General of Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) Mohammad Tajul Islam on Tuesday said this at a press conference held at the National Economic Council (NEC) conference room in the capital.

“The census will complete the 10 indicators of the sustainable development goal (SDG),” he added.

He said the census will be different from the previous ones as it will include, for the first time, the country’s Bangladeshi expatriates as well as foreigners staying in Bangladesh.

Besides, unique household identities will be provided for the first time, he added.

Project Director Md Dilder Hossain said about 3.65 lakh enumerators and 63,548 supervisors will conduct census in the field level.  He also said that around 9,000 zonal and IT officials will also work in the process.

“Under this census, using GIS (Geographic Information System) based digital map data of all households of the country will be collected simultaneously through Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) method with the help of mobile tabs,” he added.

“We will monitor the census activities from the BBS headquarters. Those who miss or fail to give their information for any reason during the census week, he/she can contact the BBS call centre number later for enlisting their information,” he said.

The project director also said enumerators will collect information of floating people from the midnight.

“Each household and its members will be included in the enumeration process on a certain reference date of the census. The national identity (NID) card information will be included in the census,” he added.

The preliminary report of the census will be published after three months of completing the process, Dilder said, adding that then BBS will publish the final report.

“A total of 133 reports will be prepared through the population and housing census,” he added.

The BBS last published a population census report in 2011 that estimated Bangladesh’s population at 14.98 crore.

Currently the total population is 16.8 crore, according to the Bangladesh Economic Review 2021.

The Population and Housing Census 2022 project is being implemented at a cost of Tk1575.68 crore which will come from the government exchequer. The project will be completed by June 2024.

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