National, Front Page

Defaming Independence is high treason

Published : 02 Apr 2023 10:49 PM

We have earned our independence through a long struggle and a bloody war and millions of Martyrs have sacrificed their lives for country’s Independence. Independence is much more precious than our life.  Nobody will tolerate any act of defaming and maligning of country’s independence.

It is crystal clear that Matiur Rahma, Editor of the Prothom Alo, and his correspondent Shamsuzzaman have deliberately made false news to tarnish the image of our Independence. Maligning country’s Independence by hurling insult through derogatory words or deeds to it is not only a criminal act, it is also a high treason. It can be treated as anti-state activity and those who are involved in such activities must be brought to trial. 

It is mentionable that nobody is starving in Bangladesh since Sheikh Hasina took over power in 2009. The people of North Bengal have forgotten the curse of monga (Femine). It is noted that even a rickshaw puller is making TK 1000 a day. They are keeping well. The economic condition of Bangladesh much better than compared to the other countries of the world. Even after devastating impact of Corona Pandemic. Everybody knows Bangladesh is on a development highway under the leadership of Prime minister Sheikh Hasina. Bangladesh has become a Development role model to the international community.  Despite so many indicators of progress Matiur Rahman and his associates always find economic crisis like BNP leaders want Bangladesh should immediately fall of a crisis like Sri Lanka.   

We have reasons to believe that Matiur Rahman is involved in making false and fabricated news for destabilizing the society. It is no journalism rather it is a crime. He is regularly practicing this with ulterior motive which is putting journalism on a credibility challenge. Journalist community as a whole should stand against this unholy practice in the name of journalism.

Matiur Rahman is allegedly using his newspaper as a weapon for personal gain which has been repeatedly tarnishing the image of journalism.

Nobody is above law and the journalists are no exception to it. Journalists are not aliens or, for that matter, any special creatures from an unknown world who can escape law. 

Motiur Rahman’s responsibility is much bigger than that of his correspondent. A correspondent may collect news, but it is the editor who has the real responsibility to publish it or not. Editor’s decision is final in printing news.    

So, Motiur Rahman, Editor of the Prothom Alo, cannot deny his responsibility and law should take its own course. Maligning our independence, which is earned through an ocean of blood of the martyrs is not an ordinary crime. It is a crime against the country; it is a crime against the people and our nation. This sort of unholy move must be dealt with iron hand so that nobody can dare do it again. That means there must be an exemplary punishment for such kind of offence.

Journalists have to maintain strictly the ethos and ethics of journalism. They should always keep in mind that they must know their limitations. News is always true and anything false, fabricated and concocted is not news. Resorting to Falsehood and fabrication in making news is a crime and such criminals must be brought to book. Creating hindrance to legal process in this regard is not lawful and none should do it.