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Dec-10 move flops

Published : 10 Dec 2022 10:12 PM | Updated : 11 Dec 2022 01:29 PM

BNP is fully on the backfoot in its so-called anti-government politics to oust Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

Earlier, several BNP senior leaders had publicly threatened to unseat the present elected government on December 10. They also vowed to establish a Begum Khaleda Zia-led government by overthrowing the Sheikh Hasina-led democratic government. But all their threats over their much talked about December 10 deadline, fell flat.

Around two months ago, top BNP leader Amanullah Aman publicly threatened to overthrow the government. The senior BNP leader said that after December 10, the country would be run by their Chairperson Khaleda Zia and acting Chairman Tarique Rahman.

Amanullah Aman, also convener of BNP’s Dhaka north unit, further threatened the entire Bangladesh, including Kanchpur Bridge, Tongi Bridge, Mawa Road, Aricha Road, Teknaf to Tentulia and Rupsha to Pathuria would be blocked.

Thus Amanullah Aman ,who is also an advisor to the BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia, publicly threatened to overthrow the government before the scheduled national election.

The controversial BNP leader openly said that after December 10, the country would be run by Khaleda Zia and Tareque Rahman.

Tarique Rahman, found guilty in a slew of cases including for money laundering, and the August 21 grenade attack on Sheikh Hasina, is currently in London. Khaleda Zia is serving her sentence over misappropriation of funds for orphans.

Thus, on this day of December 10, political observers found these unsubstantial threats of BNP leader Amann Ullah to be completely void.

But on receiving such threats, the government became serious and took legal steps to protect the lives and property of the people.

Law enforcers were forced to take a hard line against BNP’s ill-motivated attempt to make the BNP party office the headquarters for sabotage, mass killing and conspiracy aimed at branding Bangladesh a failed state before the international community. 

On December 7, three days before BNP’s scheduled grand rally, BNP policy makers instructed their supporters to gather in front of its head office in the city’s Paltan area as part of their deep rooted conspiracy of creating another Mothijheel Shapla Chattar. BNP cadres hurled bombs on police leaving 37 police personnel injured.

Sensing trouble, law enforcers raided the BNP office and seized huge explosives and arrested dozens of armed cadres of the BNP.

As the intelligence agencies of the country have now become very smart, each and every hatched conspiracy of the BNP was revealed by the law enforcing agencies.  Police took timely and befitting steps to successfully  foil all  the designs of BNP that were aimed at halting the development and progress of Sheikh Hasina-led government.

Many others, mostly senior BNP leaders including party secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir openly challenged that by hook or by crook, the BNP would organize its Dhaka Divisional rally in front of its headquarters in the Paltan area.

Just only two days ago, amid tension and different speculations over BNP’s December 10 rally, Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Thursday said that they would hold their planned Dhaka mass rally in front of their party central office at Naya Paltan in Dhaka on December 10.

But from the very beginning  of the BNP’s December 10 meeting venue issue, the government clearly took its stand that BNP would not be allowed to hold their meeting in front of Paltan BNP office , for security issues and to avoid public sufferings.

Finally the BNP had to change its stand on holding its rally in front of BNP central office by shifting their meeting venue to Golapbagh Playground after accepting all the terms and conditions of Dhaka Metropolitan Police and Dhaka South City Corporation.

 Due to counter pressure from the government upon the BNP, they moved a long way away from their plot of making the BNP Paltan office the headquarters of waging direct conflict against the Awami League government.

Referring to the defeat of his rival BNP, Awami League (AL) General Secretary Obaidul Quader claimed that the BNP tasted half-defeat in its movement when party leaders agreed to hold the public rally at Golapbagh ground in the city.

 The BNP leaders  who confidently said that the rally would be held at Naya Paltan, are now at Golapbagh leaving the question as to who is the loser, the BNP or we, Quader further said regarding the defeat of the BNP move.

 BNP did not manage to hold a rally in Paltan and in continuation of that, its programmes of movement  also experienced half-defeat, he added.

The BNP had vowed to release Khaleda Zia through movement. Did they release her through movement, the AL General Secretary posed the question to BNP leaders.

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