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Come directly with any complaints

NBR chairman asks businesses

Published : 25 Jan 2022 10:23 PM | Updated : 26 Jan 2022 04:34 PM

The Chairman of National Board of Revenue (NBR) Abu Hena Md. Rahmatul Muneem on Tuesday asked businesses to complain to the revenue board directly on specific issues if there is any unethical dealing or anything untoward.

He said allegations have been made that goods are being withheld at the port for customs clearing, though the product is stuck for Atomic Energy Commission Certificate, Energy Regulatory Commission or BSTI Certificate for releasing the goods.

“The revenue board would not do injustice to anyone, many officials are working for releasing goods, clearing customs duty and checking the documents honestly, few of them may create problems or delay releasing goods, but traders have to be honest to raise complaints,” he added.

The NBR chairman came up with remarks while addressing in a press conference at the NBR’s conference hall on Tuesday on the occasion of International Customs Day celebrated on Wednesday.

At a recent meeting of the FBCCI, the apex body of traders, district level traders brought various allegations of harassment against the NBR. The NBR chairman was asked about this at a press conference on Tuesday. He advised traders to come to NBR without complaining to FBCCI.

In the first six months of the current financial year, the NBR collected Tk41,194 crore, which is 22.44 percent more than the same period of last fiscal year.

During the entire period of the last financial year, Tk 77150 crore was collected in the customs sector. In this regard, the NBR chairman hoped that this year the target of revenue collection of the customs department would be achieved.

The NBR will organize a seminar tomorrow (Wednesday) at the Hotel Intercontinental on the occasion of International Customs Day. Agriculture Minister Abdur Razzak will be present as the chief guest.

This year Bangladesh is celebrating Customs Day in association with the Customs Departments of 183 countries of the World Customs Organization.

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