
Chilli farming scheme taken in Kishoreganj

Published : 16 Jan 2020 09:26 PM | Updated : 02 Sep 2020 07:11 AM

The Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) in Kishoreganj has taken up a massive chili cultivation scheme in 13 upazilas of the district during the current Robi season. Sub-Assistant Agriculture Officer (SAAO) Md. Maijuddin said, a total of 3585 hectares of land were brought under chili cultivation in the 13 upazilas this year with a production target of over 8246 metric tons and the crop has already been cultivated on 3550 hectares of land till January 6.

Of the total target, 175 hectares of land have been cultivated in Hossainpur with a production target of 403 metric tons, 90 hectares with a production target of 207 metric tons in Kishoreganj Sadar, 120 hectares with a production target of 276 metric tons in Pakundia, 310 hectares with a production target of 713 metric tons in Katiadi, 335 hectares with a production target of 771 metric tons in Karimganj, 350 hectares with a production target of 805 metric tons in Tarail, 480 hectares with a production target of 1104 metric tons in Itna, 110 hectares with a production target of 253 metric tons in Mithamoin, 360 hectares with a production target of 828 metric tons in Nikli, 135 hectares with a production target of 311 metric tons in Austagram, 185 hectares with a production target of 426 metric tons in Bajitpur, 110 hectares with a production target of 253 metric tons in Kuliarchar and 825 hectares with a production target of 1898 metric tons in Bhairab upazilas.

While taking to this correspondent, District Training Officer (DTO) also in-charge Deputy Director of the DAE Kishoreganj Dr. Mohit Kumer Dey said the local farmers are becoming interested in chili farming as they got much output and fair price of the produce in recent years.

The authorities concerned have taken adequate steps for ensuring smooth supply of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, technical assistant and others inputs to the chili growers at grassroots level. Besides, commercial banks, other financial institutions and NGO's provided easy term agriculture loans in this connection, he added.