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‘Children of today must be made worthy to build better Bangladesh’

Published : 18 Jun 2022 09:07 PM

Social Welfare Minister Nuruzzaman Ahmed MP said that in order to build a better Bangladesh, the children of today must be made worthy. Children of today will shape the future.

The minister was speaking as the chief guest at the prize distribution ceremony of the departmental sports competition for the Government Children's Family and the residents of Sheikh Russell Distressed Child Rehabilitation Center at Government Physical Education College ground in Mohammadpur on Saturday.

State Minister for Social Welfare Md Ashraf Ali Khan Khasru MP was present as special guest on the occasion presided over by Director General of Social Services Department Sheikh Rafiqul Islam.

The Minister said that as a result of the initiative of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, the distressed children of the country are growing up in a suitable environment. Ensuring education, health and recreation of every child in the family. Referring to the healthy environment and proper management of the children's family, the Minister said that all the children living in Corona Atimari were healthy at the time. The minister further said that the critics are always criticizing from behind. Bangladesh today is a role model of development in the world. Critics who once described the country as a bottomless basket, now cite Bangladesh as an example of development. The Minister also called upon the teachers and parents to inculcate the culture of regular sports as well as education in order to develop the children as worthy citizens of Bangladesh.

Speaking as the special guest, the Minister of State for Social Welfare lauded the sportsmanship of the children of government child families and said that with proper training, they too would be able to brighten the face of the country in the field of sports in future.

Later, the Minister handed over the prizes among the winners of the competition. Note that in the divisional sports competition of Dhaka division More than 800 residents of 28 organizations participated.