
Businessman holds press conference over threat

Published : 26 Oct 2020 09:01 PM | Updated : 26 Oct 2020 09:38 PM

Abdul Qadir, a businessman of Kararpar village under Kamal Bazar Union of South Surma Police Station in Sylhet, is under death threat. He is involved in sand-stone and travels business. He made this allegation at a press conference in Sylhet on Sunday.

Abdul Qadir said that he gave Tk 20 lakh to Abul Kalam Azad of Zakiganj for business purposes. Not getting the money back, he filed a check dishonor case in the court. The verdict also came in his favor in that case. However, since then, Azad has been threatening to kill him and his family members in various ways without paying the money.

In a written statement, he said that Abul Kalam Azad handed him over a check of Tk 20 lakh on February 20, 2017 in the name of an account called Kalam Overseas. When the check was deposited it was dishonored due to not having enough money in the account.

Later, on July 12 of the same year, businessman Qadir was forced to file a case. The verdict of the case on November 22, 2018 came in his favor. He added that since the verdict, Azad has been intimidating him through miscreants and himself.

On October 7, along with three unidentified miscreants Azad stopped his car in Chandipul South Surma area and threatened to kill him if he does not sign the negotiation form.