Chinese ambassador in Dhaka Li Jiming has warned Dhaka about the US interference that may harm Bangladesh’s RMG industry.
He made the comment in a video message posted on the embassy’s facebook page titled “a minute with ambassador”.
“It has come to my attention that a certain RMG industry association in Bangladesh recently alerted its members to the risks associated with cotton from China, due to the US's allegation of "forced labor in Xinjiang".
“I also noticed that the alert was issued following a meeting between the association and two representatives from "Indo-Pacific Opportunity Project" affiliated to some US Agency.
“The so-called "forced labor in Xinjiang" is entirely a lie.
“But why do they lie? It is now circulated on the internet that two US diplomats previously posted in Guangzhou reportedly confessed in 2021, and I quote, "Nothing is wrong about Xinjiang, but to attack their human right policies is an effective means to make Xinjiang break away from international industrial chain, and to make Uyghur’s unhappy, turbulent and then fight against the Chinese government", unquote.
“This disclosure echoes a statement made by a former high-rank US official in 2018. Please watch the video,” he said, posting a video of the US officials.
“Obviously, Washington uses this lie about Xinjiang to smear and defame China, with the ultimate goal of containing China. The reason why I brought it up here today is that, if Bangladeshi people are not cautious enough, this lie may hurt the Bangladesh RMG industry as well. Don't you think so?”