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Australian delegation meets DU VC

Published : 11 Oct 2019 06:02 PM | Updated : 07 Sep 2020 07:24 AM

A three-member delegation led by Vice-President and Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Central Queensland University (CQU), Australia Alastair Dawson called on Dhaka University (DU) Vice-Chancellor (VC) Prof Dr Md Akhtaruzzaman on Wednesday.

Other members of the delegation were Prof Dr Lee Di Milia and Prof Dr Quamrul Alam. Dean of the Faculty of Earth & Environmental Sciences of DU Prof Dr ASM Maksud Kamal was present on the occasion, said a DU press


During the meeting at the VC’s office on DU campus, they discussed the possibilities of introducing dual PhD programme under the joint supervision of Dhaka University and Central Queensland University, Australia.

They stressed the need for expansion of ongoing joint collaborative academic and research programs between the two universities. The delegation members expressed their willingness to provide some scholarships for DU students and teachers for higher studies in CQU.

The possibilities of holding of a two-day long international conference on “Sustainable Development Goals” in Dhaka under the joint auspices of Dhaka University and Central Queensland University were also discussed in the meeting.