National, Front Page

AL tells partymen to go tough on terror

Published : 04 Nov 2023 09:48 PM | Updated : 13 Aug 2024 07:44 PM

As the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and its ultra-radical ally  Bangladesh Jamaat Islami have intensified their politics of terror across the country, the ruling Awami League in line with the government is also adopting a hard line against such acts.

The ruling party high ups have already instructed their workers to actively resist the ongoing destructive activities of BNP-Jamaat being conducted in the name of politics.

According to the intelligence sources, BNP-Jamaat terrorists may try to desperately increase arson attacks very soon to create a ‘state of fear’ as part of their deep rooted conspiracy toward toppling the government unconstitutionally.

Considering the current turmoil in politics created by the anti-government quarters in association with some foreign countries, the ruling AL had no other option against the ongoing strike, blockade, and violent acts carried out by the opposition parties.

Most of the ruling party top brass opined that there is no ray of hope for compromise between the government and the BNP-Jamaat cliques.

They (AL leader) claimed that after the deadly violence of October 28, there is no scope for any effective dialogue with the BNP-Jamaat.

 AL chief Sheikh Hasina also ordered her party men not to spare anyone involved in blockades and arson attacks.

"If someone is caught red-handed while setting fire, he should be immediately thrown into the fire. The hand that sets fire should be burned. Only then will they learn a lesson," she clearly said.

 She urged her fellow activists to resist arsonists for protecting people's lives and properties. 

 In line with party chief, Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal also advised transport workers to keep gazari (sal tree) sticks in their vehicles to prevent vandalism during blockade and strikes. 

If someone comes to sabotage, beat them up, he publicly said. 

If someone wants to kill you, you can resist him. You can hit him too, the home boss urged the transport workers.

Many senior AL leaders hinted that more BNP leaders will be arrested at the proper time.

Most of the ruling party leaders opined that if the government  deals with the BNP-Jamaat terrors softly, the entire administration and forces will get upset with the government.

Information Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud recently labelled the BNP as a terrorist organization.

He said, "BNP is no longer a political party but rather a terrorist one, as they are now announcing programmes from caves on virtual platforms, similar to terrorist groups.”