
About 6.8m people under tax net now

26 pc growth in e-TIN registration this FY

Published : 26 Oct 2021 08:25 PM | Updated : 27 Oct 2021 10:09 AM

Compared to last fiscal year, a positive trend of 26 percent growth has been witnessed in e-TIN registration. In the first three months of this fiscal more than four lakh people have registered for e-TIN.

According to National Board of Revenue (NBR), so far 67,92000 people have registered e-TIN. Durig 2020-21 financial year, 13 lakh people have registered for e-TIN. 

NBR chairman Abu Hena Rahmatul Munim came up with those informations at press conference held at NBR office in the capital on Tuesday.

Citing although the growth of TIN registration has been satisfactory, the return submission has not increased in that sense, the NBR chairman said, “We want the taxpayers to file their returns on their own initiative. We have started a door-to-door survey which was closed due to the pandemic.”

At the press conference, instead of organizing income tax fairs in the Covid-19 situation, the tax commissioners were informed to provide services to the taxpayers to receive income tax returns from November 1 to 30 in a lavish and festive atmosphere in the regions.

In this regard, the NBR chairman said, “Income tax returns will be accepted uninterruptedly during office hours from November 1 to November 30 in 649 circles in 31 tax regions across the country. Each office will have a return reception booth and help desk in open space, car parking area etc. The service center will have e-TIN registration and re-registration system.” 

On November 24, 141 highest taxpayers will be given a tax card and a total of 666 best taxpayers including 525 at the district / city corporation level will be given a crest, an identity card and a certificate of honor. National Income Tax Day 2021 will be 

celebrated on November 30. At this time a seminar will be held centrally at NBR

NBR has been organizing tax fairs every year since 2010. In the meantime, tax fairs have become quite popular among common taxpayers. However, the fair was not held last year considering Covid-19 situation.

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