The short film series ‘Oi Mama Na Please’ is set to premiere this October. Directed by Omar Masum, Amit Rudra, and Mehedi Hasan Rumi, the series features three unique films that reflect recent turmoil in the country.
In the wake of the unrest following August 5, these young directors took action through the ‘Save Rajshahi’ initiative. They helped manage traffic and engaged in various community efforts, witnessing many unexpected incidents along the way.
Now, they are sharing these experiences through their films. Produced by Footprint Film Production, the series captures the chaos of that time. It includes three short films: ‘Tar Chhire Geche,’ ‘Safety First,’ and ‘Abedon Mohajon.’
The first film, ‘Tar Chhire Geche,’ premiered on Footprint Film Production's official Facebook page this past Friday. Director Omar Masum explained, "After August 5, there was widespread chaos. People were grabbing items from various places, making it hard to know what belonged to whom. We volunteered during this time and saw many of these events unfold."
He added, "Our film reflects the turmoil we experienced. 'Tar Chhire Geche' is based on a real event and was shot at the actual location to maintain authenticity. Rifat Bin Manik stars in it, and I also have a role."
While filming took place in August, the release faced delays due to flooding and other challenges. The second film, ‘Safety First,’ will premiere on October 4. Director Amit Rudra shared, "During our patrols for 'Save Rajshahi,' we encountered strange incidents, which we portrayed with humour. The film follows a quirky story about a fire extinguisher stolen from a government office."
The series will conclude with Mehedi Hasan Rumi's ‘Abedon Mohajon,’ inspired by events after August 5. This film was shot in Rajshahi city and is scheduled for release on October 11.