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8th Friendship Bridge gives a strong boost to dev of southern Bangladesh: China

Published : 04 Sep 2022 10:25 PM | Updated : 05 Sep 2022 05:43 PM

Chinese Ambassador to Bangladesh Li Jiming has said Bangamata Begum Fazilatun Nesa Mujib 8th Bangladesh-China Friendship Bridge" over the Kacha river at Bekutia in Pirojpur, will give a strong boost to the development of southern Bangladesh.

"The bridge stands as a perfect illustration of how the integration of Bangladesh’s Vision 2041 perspective plan and the Belt and Road Initiative would benefit the people of Bangladesh and the region beyond," he said. Ambassador Li said the bridge directly connects Khulna and Barishal, the two sides of the Katcha River, and opens up land transportation between the ports of Mongla and Payra under construction.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina opened the 1,493-metre bridge on Sunday.

To continue such a precious tradition of friendship, China has determined to build the 9th Bangladesh-China Friendship Bridge, Ambassador Li said.

Experts from the two countries are already preparing for feasibility study on the project.

Under the phenomenal leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, he said, Bangladesh has impressed the world with its fast and steady growth in the past decade, and is graduating from the least developed countries category.

"Despite recent headwinds, Bangladesh’s economy shows significant resilience and recovers vigorously. The world is witnessing Bangladesh rising from the subcontinent," said the Chinese envoy.

He said the Chinese dream of the great national rejuvenation and the “Sonar Bangla” dream are well connected. "Let us join hands to realize our dreams together!"