
7th March revival call and Bangabandhu’s vision

Published : 06 Mar 2024 08:48 PM

On the 7th of March, Bangladesh stands at a crucial point in history, facing both past achievements and current obstacles, reflecting the significant impact of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. This day is not just a day marked on the calendar; it serves as a reminder of the visionary leadership that guided the nation towards freedom. 

March 7, 1971, is a significant moment in Bangladesh's fight for independence. On this historic day, Bangabandhu made a powerful speech at the Racecourse Maidan (now Suhrawardy Udyan) in Dhaka, urging the people to stand up against injustice and tyranny. The speech, commonly known as the '7th March Speech,' captured the hopes and passion of a country desiring self-determination.

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's statement "Ebarer sangram aamader muktir sangram, ebarer sangram swadhinatar sangram" (This struggle is for our freedom, this struggle is for our independence) underlines the significance of the crucial event on the 7th of March, 1971. 

He used forceful words to clearly state that the fight against tyranny has moved from seeking autonomy inside a unified Pakistan to a passionate pursuit of full independence. This proclamation was a pivotal moment in Bangladesh's history, energizing the population and initiating an unwavering quest for independence. 

Bangabandhu's articulate expression of this significant change powerfully connected with the people, inspiring in them a revitalized sense of purpose and resolve to liberate themselves from the constraints of injustice. The proclamation marked a significant change from the past and established the groundwork for the creation of an independent and sovereign Bangladesh. 

Bangabandhu's speech echoed the essence of freedom, reaching far beyond the Racecourse Maidan. The speech inspired and motivated the people, sparking a strong rebellion against the repressive Pakistani government. The rallying cry united the heterogeneous populace of East Pakistan behind a single cause - the pursuit of liberation - transcending regional and cultural divides. Though he did not declare the independence of Bangladesh formally, it was a diplomatic declaration of our independence. 

The proclamation marked a significant 

change from the past and established 

the groundwork for the creation of an 

independent and sovereign Bangladesh

Bangabandhu passionately expressed the complaints of the Bengali people and their desire for self-governance in this famous speech. He urged unity among the varied people of East Pakistan, beyond linguistic, cultural, and religious distinctions. The speech, widely regarded as a masterpiece of public speaking, highlighted the essential requirement for self-governance, setting the foundation for the following battle that led to the establishment of the sovereign nation of Bangladesh. 

The central theme focuses on the core principles of freedom, justice, and the formation of a society where all individuals can live with dignity and equality.

Today, the 7th of March is a day to reflect on Bangabandhu's visionary ideas and their lasting impact on determining the nation's path. His ambition went beyond merely fighting for independence; it included creating a fair, comprehensive, and successful Bangladesh. 

Bangabandhu's worldview was characterized by a strong focus on social justice and fairness. He saw a future for Bangladesh in which all citizens, regardless of caste, creed, or economic status, would have equal chances to succeed. This vision established the foundation for policies focused on diminishing socio-economic inequalities, guaranteeing education for everyone, and promoting an inclusive society that embraced variety. 

Bangladesh is dedicated to democratic ideals, embodying the essence of the 7th of March address. Bangabandhu envisioned creating a democratic structure that would enable people to actively engage in determining the nation's future. Bangladesh has made substantial progress in strengthening its democratic institutions throughout time, with regular elections demonstrating the people's voice.

Bangabandhu's vision also included economic self-reliance as a fundamental component. He saw the significance of liberating Bangladesh from reliance and setting a path towards economic self-sufficiency. After gaining independence, the new nation had significant economic difficulties. However, Bangabandhu's leadership established the groundwork for economic strategies that encouraged self-reliance and lasting progress. 

On the 7th of March, it is crucial to evaluate Bangladesh's progress in achieving Bangabandhu's vision and pinpoint the areas needing further attention. 

The country has made significant advancements in several areas like as education, economy, healthcare, and technology. Nevertheless, issues like poverty, corruption, and environmental sustainability continue to exist, requiring a continued dedication to the principles advocated by Bangabandhu.

Since 1971, the global environment has changed, and Bangladesh is now dealing with the challenges of the 21st century. March 7th acts as a guiding force for the country among the challenges of a swiftly evolving globe. Bangabandhu's goal for a technologically advanced and internationally interconnected Bangladesh is still important, encouraging the country to adopt innovation and utilize the potential of its young population. 

Bangladesh has shown remarkable resilience in facing challenges like climate change and global economic changes in recent years. March 7th represents both the fight for independence and the inherent spirit of perseverance throughout the nation. This resilience demonstrates a steadfast dedication to Bangabandhu's vision, which is still influencing Bangladesh's path towards a more promising future.

The 7th of March is not only a day on the calendar; it symbolizes the values and vision of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. 

Bangladesh should focus on the gains accomplished and the challenges ahead as it marks this momentous day. 

The appeal for revival resounds across history, pushing the nation to remain faithful to the ideals that led to its establishment and to pursue the fulfillment of Bangabandhu's enduring vision. 

The writer is a Professor in the Department of Public Administration at the 

University of Rajshahi