
7 arrested over Jhenaidah AL man murder

Published : 12 Jan 2024 05:52 PM | Updated : 13 Jan 2024 10:51 AM

Jhenaidah police have arrested seven persons including four named accused in Awami League (AL) activist Barun Ghosh murder. He was also a contractor. The deceased Barun Ghosh of Hamdah Ghoshpara in Jhenaidah town was killed in the evening of Tuesday. Earlier Tumpa Rani Ghosh, wife of the deceased had filed a case against nine named and 10 to 20 unnamed persons with Jhenaidah sadar police station on  Wednesday night, said the police station Officer-in-Charge (OC) Sahin Uddin to the media people on Wednesday.

When some of the media people including the social media activists were playing mysterious role about the clue of the death of AL man Barun Ghosh, the newly elected Jhenaidah- 2 seat independent lawmaker Naser Shahrier Zahedi Mahul had requested the journalist to maintain accuracy during producing any news items. 

Mahul said his men were not anyway involved with the killing incident and a section of people with ill-motive was spreading the rumor blaming his men when he had bagged the seat with independent symbol Eagle. He urged upon the district and police administration to identify the killers and punish them as per the law irrespective of any party or discipline. 

Jhenaidah sadar police station officer in charge said they were not sanguine about the killing yet. All the arrested seven were sent to court for next legal steps in the morning of Thursday. The police were considering three things that the killing incident might take place firstly due to land dispute of Barun with his near and dear ones, secondly due to his personal business as he was a contractor and thirdly due to political reasons. 

 Jhenaidah sadar police station OC further informed that among the arrested seven, six were given remand.

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