
40 rare species of Indian tortoises seized

Published : 23 Jan 2024 08:25 PM

The border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) personnel of 58 battalion in Moheshpur of Jhenaidah had seized 40 pieces of rare species of tortoises from the bordering Matila area in the night of Sunday. But the man accused liable for bringing the same from neighboring country in to Bangladesh could not be grilled immediately, said BGB 58 battalion director HM Salah Uddin Chowdhury.

BGB sources said they were informed by their source that some Mafizul Seikh, son of Yunus Sheikh of Matila village was bringing a sachet of tortoises from neighboring India. As per the information the BGB personnel took possession in the field of Matila about 200 yards in Bangladesh territory in the night of Sunday. 

But the smuggler left the scene sensing the presence of the border guards immediately in the dark night. The BGB personnel seized a white colour sachet containing 40 pieces of rear species of tortoises. 

The same was brought from India for smuggling purposes, BGB sources said.

The BGB filed a case with Moheshpur police station and preparing to hand over the seized rear species tortoises to the divisional office of wildlife management and nature conservation section in Khulna, said the BGB director HM Salah Uddin Chowdhury.