
333 at home quarantines in Kishoreganj

Published : 23 Mar 2020 08:36 PM | Updated : 06 Sep 2020 10:22 AM

In the last 24 hours, 333 new quarantines have been brought in Kishoreganj. Of these, 65 were placed in the home quarantine and 3 in the isolation ward. 

Civil Surgeon's Office sources said that 304 home quarantines and 29 were kept in isolation ward till Sunday. Of them, 23 were in Kishoreganj Sadar Upazila in Quarantine, 20 in Hossainpur, 16 in Karimganj, 09 in Tarail, 31 in Pakundia, 87 in Katiadi, 21 in Kuliarchar, 77 in Bhairab, 3 in Nikli, 12 in Bajitpur, 7 in Itna, 12 in Mithamoin and there are 15 in Isolation ward in Austagram and 14 in Isolation war in Bhairab.

Of these, the state of Bhairab, Katiadi and Austagram is most dire. By Sunday, 150 persons have been instructed to stay in the home quarantine and 29 in the isolation ward for 24 hours till Sunday.

Civil Surgeon Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman said the institutional quarantine was being increased to prevent the Corona virus in Kishoreganj. For this reason, an institutional quarantine camp has been set up at three high schools in the Austagram upazila, Trauma Hospital in Bhairab upazila and Shahid Syed Nazrul Islam Medical College Hospital in Sadar upazila. However, no one has been kept in the institutional quarantine at Shaheed Syed Nazrul Islam Medical College Hospital.

Meanwhile, with the directives of the senior authorities, the court was barred from holding public gathering and all court proceedings in the district were restricted except for emergency bail hearing.

Also on Saturday afternoon, the district administration decided to bring those who came to the district from abroad within the last 15 days to the home quarantine. We decided to make a list of those family members, including those who came three months ago, and brought them to the hospital for a health check, in each village, wards, unions and municipalities decided to form committees.

The district committee was informed that a Corona virus committee had already been formed. The areas where the committee was not yet been directed to constitute a committee within the next two days. Each committee should have a health department, police and public representatives.

It was also decided to purchase clothes and equipment locally to fund the health of the doctors and to avoid risk. The movement of more than five people has been banned. In addition, decisions were made to inform the administration, police and public representatives about the arrivals from abroad.

It was also informed at the meeting that two ambulances have been kept ready for corona virus affected patients only. Meeting of the District Law and Order Committee, all meetings of the District Development Committee have been canceled. In addition, all the members of the meeting decided to launch a massive campaign throughout the district.