
3 pharmacies fined Tk 14,000 in Faridpur

Published : 30 Jun 2024 09:49 PM

A mobile court fined a total of Tk 14,000 to three pharmacies for violating Drugs and Cosmetics Act in Faridpur city on Sunday.

The mobile court was conducted for several hours in a number of pharmacies on Mujib road in Faridpur city. It was lead by Assistant Commissioner and Executive Magistrate Md Badruzzaman Rishad.

They found evidence of several irregularities including keeping expired medicines and not complying with the registers for antibiotics. The mobile court fined Tk 10,000 to Barak Model Pharmacy, Tk 2,000 to Bishwas Pharmacy and Tk 2,000 to Kazi Medical for violating rules in conducting business. Moreover, they instructed all the pharmacy owners to comply with the policies of Drugs and Cosmetics Act.

Assistant Commissioner and Executive Magistrate Md Badruzzaman Rishad said the 

medicines have to be separated from the pharmacy and kept out of the 

shop one month before the expiry date. 

These expired medicines can be the cause of death for anyone. So, there is no rule to keep them within hand’s reach at any condition. There is law of sentencing one year of jail and fining maximum of Tk 50,000 in the Pharmacy Ordinance under Drugs and Cosmetics Act. 

Md Badruzzaman Rishad also said that if the pharmacy owners disobey the law again, he will recommend canceling their license.